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Renewal SA’s Project Officer, Gemma Leak’s unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of progress, embodies the spirit of International Women's Day, urging us all to invest in women to accelerate societal advancement.

Renewal SA’s Project Officer, Gemma Leak’s unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of progress, embodies the spirit of International Women's Day, urging us all to invest in women to accelerate societal advancement.

"International Women's Day to me means reflecting on how far women have come in the past and what needs to be done for future generations of women to succeed," Gemma said.

For Gemma, investing in women is a catalyst for transformative change as "investing in women accelerates progress in making communities safer, healthier, and happier". With each project she undertakes, Gemma sees firsthand how the inclusion of women in decision-making processes leads to better outcomes for communities.

In 2023, Gemma participated in the Women in Property program at Renewal SA, a transformative experience that opened doors to new opportunities and expanded her professional network. "Education and professional development empower women by giving them the confidence to go about their jobs proficiently and also advance their careers," Gemma explained.

Gemma's advocacy extends beyond the confines of her profession as she believes in the power of education and awareness to cultivate allies in the fight for gender equality. "I think for me it's about engaging and educating young boys and men to be allies and advocate for women," she said. Gemma understands that true progress requires collective effort and inclusive dialogue, transcending gender boundaries to create a more equitable society.

As she juggles her responsibilities in project management, Gemma remains dedicated in her commitment to uplift women and foster a culture of equality. "Having women in leadership promotes better outcomes for the community and better-informed decision making," she said.

On this International Women's Day, Gemma Leak serves as a reminder that investing in women isn't just an act of altruism; it's an investment in the future. As we celebrate the achievements of women worldwide, let Gemma's story inspire us to champion equality and accelerate the journey towards a more inclusive society.

International Women's Day celebration featuring Gemma Leak.

Renewal SA’s Project Officer, Gemma Leak.

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