Appointed by the Governor of South Australia, our Board of Management is subject to the control and direction of the Minister for Housing and Urban Development, the Honourable Nicholas (Nick) Champion MP.
Members of Renewal SA's Board of Management are selected for their individual and combined expertise to provide strategic governance and direction to its operations.

Stephen Hains AM
Stephen has served South Australia through numerous roles with local and state government.
He has previously served as the Deputy Chancellor of Flinders University, headed a number of economic development, planning and environmental agencies within the South Australian government, and has chaired the following statutory boards: Stormwater Management Authority; Planning Commission; Advisory Committee on Planning, Native Vegetation Authority and Coast Protection Board. He has also served as the Deputy Chair of the Environment Protection Authority.
He has also been Chair of the Board of the Centennial Park Cemetery Authority and a Director of Bedford Industries. In January 2022, Stephen was honoured to receive the Order of Australia Medal for his service to local government, education and community.

Kimberley Willits (nee Gillan)
Kimberley is highly regarded within the South Australian urban development sector as an experienced senior property manager of commercial, industrial and retail assets.
She is currently employed as General Manager – State Representative of Charter Hall, a leading national property investment management company with more than $30 billion in funds under management. Kimberley is a current Divisional Councillor of the Property Council of South Australia.
Kimberley has a Bachelor of Business (Commercial Law) from the University of South Australia and a Diploma of Property Services (Agency Management) from the Real Estate Institute of South Australia.

Anne Moroney
Anne joined Renewal SA with a career in both private and public commercial legal practice, bringing a commercial perspective of risk, structure and governance. Anne also has extensive knowledge and experience in regional economic development and South Australian regions gained during 15 years as Chief Executive Officer of Regional Development Australia Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Plains. Her past board roles include The Jam Factory Inc, Economic Development Australia Ltd. and a number of regional health and industry organisations.
Anne's qualifications include BA, LLB (Hons)(UQ), LLM (Cumbria), Grad Cert in Economic Development (RMIT), GAICD, NMAS( Leadr), MBA Essentials(LSE), Strategic Leadership (MIT), Dip Sustainable Living (UTas), and post graduate units in Finance and Financial Management (FINSIA).
Her work with Thinker in Residence Prof. Laura Lee on an Integrated Design Strategy for South Australia also informs her contribution to the Renewal SA Board and its role in maximising South Australia’s opportunity.

David O'Loughlin
David has served the Prospect community as the Mayor for City of Prospect for the past 16 years (2006-2022). He is the former President of the Australian Local Government Association and served on the Local Government Association of SA for 14 years.
He is also Chair of Local Government Association Procurement Pty Ltd and President of the Adelaide Chapter of the Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia.
In parallel to serving in local government, he held executive positions in public and private sectors of the construction industry for over 27 years, including as Director Major Projects in Housing SA and Renewal SA. He brings experience in commercial and industrial construction, economic development, governance, and planning reforms.

Tricia Blight
Tricia is the Chief Operating Officer of the Department for Housing and Urban Development and has extensive experience in government financial management, administration and public policy. She was previously the Executive Director, Budget and Performance Branch in the Department of Treasury and Finance, responsible for delivering the State Budget process.
Tricia’s experience in the South Australian public sector includes senior executive roles in Treasury and Finance and serving on the board of the Motor Accident Commission. She has also served on commonwealth and state government reform groups and governance committees for major infrastructure projects, public safety and emergency services.
Tricia has a Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance) and Master of Commerce (Accounting) from the University of Adelaide and is a qualified CPA.

Austin Taylor OAM
Austin is an accomplished company director and has significant knowledge in governance and risk management. He is the Founder and former Managing Partner for Meertens Chartered Accountants and is well versed in governance and risk management.
He holds Bachelor Degrees in Economics and Accounting and has an Honorary Doctorate from Flinders University. He is a board member with the South Australian Film Corporation and was formerly a member of the Flinders University Executive Committee and University Council.

Bronwyn Gallacher
Bronwyn is the Managing Director and Principal Lawyer at CCL Consultants Pty Ltd, the Deputy Chair for the Law Council of Australia’s Competition and Consumer Committee for South Australia and acts as ALDI Stores’ Code Arbiter in relation to the Australian Food and Grocery Code of Conduct. A highly credentialed professional, Bronwyn holds a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours), Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Management, and is a Certified Compliance and Risk Practitioner (Fellow) and Accredited Mediator.
Bronwyn has over 20 years’ experience as a business owner, lawyer, economist, regulator, and Board member. Her practice has focused on assisting domestic and international clients with legal, economic, governance, risks and compliance advice including in relation to competition and consumer law, as well as a broad range of corporate and commercial matters.
In addition to her experience gained in both private and government legal and regulatory roles, Bronwyn is a Compliance and Risk Fellow at the Australian Compliance Institute and teaches several of their courses. She also holds qualifications in law, economics, business, and post graduate qualifications in compliance and risk.