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The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) provides members of the public with a legally enforceable right of access to documents held by the Government of South Australia.

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 is subject only to such restrictions as are reasonably necessary for the proper administration of the state government.

The FOI Act also enables people to apply for the amendment of records concerning their personal affairs if they consider them to be incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.

Freedom of Information Statement

The following information statement for Renewal SA is published pursuant to Section 9 of the FOI Act.

An overview of how Freedom of Information operates in South Australia is available from the State Records website.

Our Structure and Functions

As the state government’s property development agency, Renewal SA’s role is to deliver lasting impact through property and projects for South Australia, across the environment, community and economy.

The Renewal SA Strategic Plan 2023-2026 commits the organisation to five strategic priorities:

Affordable housing
Improve housing outcomes by increasing supply, availability and diversity of affordable housing to address the need and demand for housing in South Australia, and support growth.

Creating communities
Deliver high-quality urban infill and growth area projects to create thriving, connected, well-serviced and sustainable mixed-use communities.

Regional development
Increase the supply of quality affordable homes to support population growth and economic activity in the regions.

Industry and precincts
Support employment growth and economic activity through the facilitation of industrial and commercial developments, supply of land in strategic locations and development of precincts that support key industries, including innovation and defence.

Sustainable future
Contribute to a sustainable future and quality of life for South Australians by working towards the elimination of carbon emissions by 2050.

To deliver on our priorities, we maintain a focus on:

We rely on the capability, passion and commitment of our people and we will continue to invest in their ongoing development and career growth to increase our impact in South Australia.

We deliver our projects in partnership with industry and government at all levels and we engage with our community. No project will be delivered by Renewal SA without significant private sector participation.

Diversity and inclusion
We recognise the diversity of the communities in which we work and seek to reflect that diversity within our organisation through delivery of our diversity and inclusion plan that focuses on women in leadership, First Nations and employment of young people.

Commercial and financial accountability
We always act in a commercial manner and in the best interests of South Australians, and in accordance with the Urban Renewal Authority Act

Business improvement
We continuously seek to improve our business systems and processes, and enhance our organisations capacity to work more effectively to better respond to evolving needs and increase productivity.

We recognise and respect the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live and work and will work together to deliver our Reconciliation Action Plan.

Community Engagement

As the state government’s key urban development agency, Renewal SA recognises that communities can contribute critical insight into elements of projects and potential risks which will impact on Renewal SA’s ability to deliver successful project outcomes.

We engage extensively and inclusively to bring community voices into decision-making for better outcomes and pride ourselves on making a genuine attempt to engage and bring people along on the journey.

Our Engagement Policy and Engagement Guidelines are consistent with the state government’s Better Together principles-based approach and are based on the core values and practices recommended by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2), which is recognised internationally as best practice.

Renewal SA’s engagement comprises some or all of the levels of public participation from the IAP2 spectrum, for different communities across the different stages of our projects.

Engagement therefore can include members of the public being encouraged to assist in developing a project’s vision, contributing ideas towards planning, reviewing building and public realm design options, providing feedback on specific proposals, and partnering to deliver and manage specific elements such as community gardens.

Documents available to request

Documents held within Renewal SA

Documents held by Renewal SA fall broadly into categories described below, either in hardcopy or electronic formats.

  • Corporate files containing correspondence, memoranda and minutes
  • Policies and procedures
  • Personal information
  • Finance, expenditure, procurement and contracts
  • Annual reports
  • Administrative records
  • Documents relating to the functions of Renewal SA.

Policy Documents

Renewal SA’s policy documents can be broadly classified in the following subject areas:

  • Asset Management
  • Commercial & Industrial
  • Communications & Engagement
  • Corporate Governance
  • Environment
  • Finance
  • ICT Management
  • Office of the Chief Executive
  • People & Culture
  • Planning & Design
  • Project Delivery.

Documents available for inspection (whether as part of a public register or otherwise)

Renewal SA currently hold many series and consignments of permanent records at State Records of South Australia’s permanent repository. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

  • Land Disposal dockets
  • Urban Project Site files
  • Land acquisition dockets
  • Allotment sales – South Australian Land Commission and successor
  • Corporate files
  • Land Management dockets
  • Land Development dockets
  • Factory construction program files
  • Project files
  • Infrastructure development projects.

Documents available free of charge

The following types of documents and information are available on the agency’s website or upon request:

  • Reports and publications
  • Annual reports
  • Policies
  • Newsletters
  • Media releases
  • Brochures
  • Fact sheets.

Documents available for purchase

Renewal SA does not have any documents available for purchase.

Apply to access or amend documents

In accordance with the FOI Act, applications for access to documents held by an agency must:

  • be made in writing (you may choose to use the application form or write a letter)
  • specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991
  • be accompanied by the application fee (exemptions apply for Members of Parliament and pensioners or health care card holders)
  • specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent
  • clearly identify the documents being sought or the matter to which they pertain
  • specify whether the documents contain information of a personal nature
  • specify the desired type of access to the document, such as inspection of the document at an arranged location or having a copy made.

Applications can be made to amend a record held by the agency concerning personal affairs if they are incomplete, incorrect, misleading or out of date. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1991, applications for amendment of documents held by an agency must:

  • be made in writing (you may choose to use the application form or write a letter)
  • specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991
  • specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent
  • clearly identify the record to be amended
  • provide such information as is necessary in order for the records to be amended.

Accredited FOI Officer Renewal SA
GPO Box 698

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 8226 8699
Toll Free: 1800 182 150 (within SA)
Email: [email protected]

If you are dissatisfied with a determination made under the FOI Act, an application must be made in writing in accordance with Section 29 or Section 38 of the FOI Act or by using the application form.

Released FOI Documents

In accordance with the Premier and Cabinet Circular PC045, Renewal SA is releasing non-personal Freedom of Information (FOI) applications received from 1 October 2017 that have already been disclosed to the applicant, unless the information:

  • contains the personal affairs of an individual
  • can be claimed as exempt material pursuant to Schedule 1 of the FOI Act
  • is considered defamatory or a breach of confidentiality or could be expected to cause harm to a person.

You can access the non-personal FOI applications using the PDF links in the disclosure log below.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing these documents, please email [email protected] or contact 1800 993 439.

Disclosure Log

Date of determination Reference Application summary Document or advice on how to access
28 June 2024 RSA 2024/00512 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for February 2024 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
30 May 2024 RSA 2024/00509 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for November 2023 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
2 February 2024 RSA 2023/02141 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for October 2023 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
2 February 2024 RSA 2023/02142 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for September 2023 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
11 December 2023 RSA 2023/01785 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for August 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
27 November 2023 RSA 2023/01784 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for July 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
3 November 2023 RSA 2023/01196 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for June 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
20 October 2023 RSA 2023/01195 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for May 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
17 October 2023 RSA 2023/01387 In response to an FOI application to SAPOL, the attached document [Doc 8 CBP Draft nWCH Bill further advice 8 Nov] was sent to me. It states: SAPOL has engaged Renewal SA and MRS Property Advisory to carry out government owned and private owned land and property searches and they have advised SAPOL that the former West End Brewery (8.43ha) was the single available landholding opportunity identified that fits the size, location, access and security constraints required, with the benefit of being in process of demolition and clearing which would support expedited timeframes for delivering a new Barracks. I seek access to: Any communication/reports to SAPOL that advise of the results of the property searches, including the details of the properties that were identified. Any communications (email or letter) between SAPOL or any other SA Government entity that discusses the former West End Brewery site as a location for the SAPOL Mounted Operations Unit, including communications that go to why the SAPOL site was ultimately not selected as the site. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
13 October 2023 RSA 2023/01661 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for January 2022 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
18 September 2023 RSA 2023/01192 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for March 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
7 September 2023 RSA 2023/01193 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for February 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
29 September 2023 RSA 2023/01194 All board papers including but not limited to agendas, minutes, attachments, reports, appendices for April 2023. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
29 September 2023 RSA 2023/00710 All electronically searchable documents (including but not limited to reports, briefings, emails, notes, minutes, plans and other documents) mentioning or related to the companies known as "Artisan Post Group", "Convergen" or "Jumpgate VR" or Mr. Anton Andreacchio. Publicly available documents such as media releases or annual reports may be excluded. Date Range 17/03/2018 to 01/01/2019 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
11 July 2023 RSA 2022/01656 All documents (including but not limited to) hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails,All documents (including but not limited to) hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails,letters, internal advice, or any other correspondence that relate to relate to causes and/or remedies regarding the discharge ofthe Coghlan Road drain(s). Date range is documents within the last five (5) years. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
11 July 2023 RSA 2023/00709 All electronically searchable documents (including but not limited to reports, briefings, emails, notes, minutes, plans and other documents) mentioning or related to the companies known as "UP Ventures", "B000dl" or "11point2" or Mr. George Freney. Publicly available documents such as media releases or annual reports may be excluded. Date Range 17/03/2018 to 01/01/2019. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
10 July 2023 RSA 2022/01573 A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, reports, emails and letters) directly relating to the procurement process and subsequent contract 'Cleaning Services- Adelaide Railway Station, Adelaide' reference number A1721377, between 1/07/2022 and 1/09/2022. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
13 June 2023 RSA2022/01657 Any information held by Renewal SA that goes to the likely repurposing/future plans for the current Women’s and Children’s Hospital and/or its site – particularly in light of the review and announcement of a nWCH site at the Thebarton Police Barracks (Option 2(b)) – limited to the period of the current Malinauskas State Government. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
11 June 2023 RSA2023/00709 The most recent valuation of the current Woman’s [sic] and Children’s Hospital site held by the State Government’. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
10 June 2023 RSA2022/01573 A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, reports, emails and letters) directly relating to the procurement process and subsequent contract 'Cleaning Services-Adelaide Railway Station, Adelaide' reference number A1721377, between 1/07/2022 and 1/09/2022.' Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
17 May 2023 RSA2023/00022 Renewal SA Documents related to any tenders issued for land at Lot 1, Grand trunk Way, Gillman. The tender document, any documents that show when it was released. Any documents that have been used to produce said tender." Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
6 April 2023 RSA2023/00229 All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or other forms of communication or materials, referring to, or prepared in relation to or for the Member for Mount Gambier and/or his office. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
6 April 2023 RSA2023/00230 All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or other forms of communication or materials, referring to, or prepared in relation to or for the Member for Mawson and/or his office. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
6 April 2023 RSA2023/00238 All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or other forms of communication or materials, referring to, or prepared in relation to or for the Member for Davenport and/or her office. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
6 April 2023 RSA2023/00235 All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or other forms of communication or materials, referring to, or prepared in relation to or for the Member for Elder and/or her office. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
15 December 2022 RSA2022/01210 Urban Renewal Authority Board papers for April 2022 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
15 December 2022 RSA2022/01211 Urban Renewal Authority Board papers for March 2022 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
15 June 2021 RSA2021/00526 Copies of all emails sent from Mr Richter to Renewal SA from 2014 to 2021 Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
5 January 2021 RSA2020/00069 Documents pertaining to the Renewal SA Lot Fourteen Demolition and Remediation Tenders. Please contact Renewal SA for access at: [email protected]
5 June 2020 RSA2020/00063 List of documents pertaining to the Mawson Lakes Child Care Centre PDF download from Resources section below.
5 March 2020 RSA2019/01632 Lot Fourteen Telecommunications Advisory and Project Management Support Services PDF download from Resources section below.
26 October 2018 RSA2018/01929 Documents pertaining to the Expression of Interest for Elizabeth Vale Central Shopping Centre from 18 March 2018 PDF download from Resources section below.

If you should have problems downloading any FOI documents, please contact Renewal SA for other ways of obtaining a copy.

Proactive Disclosure

The Government of South Australia has committed to making more government-held information available to members of the public without requiring them to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

Renewal SA proactively discloses the overseas travel expenses of all staff, including the Chief Executive.

You can access itemised reports for each month in the current financial year using the PDF links below.

Where the total expenditure is ‘Nil’, no agency budget was spent on overseas travel in that month/year and there is no document to download.

Date of disclosure Cost Document advice on how to access
December 2024 $10,028 PDF download from Resources section below.
June 2024 $5,894 PDF download from Resources section below.
May 2023 $31,000 PDF download from Resources section below.
Financial Year 2019-20 Nil -
June 2019 Nil -
May 2019 Nil -
April 2019 $14,917 PDF download from Resources section below.
March 2019 Nil -
February 2019 Nil -
January 2019 Nil -
December 2018 Nil -
November 2018 Nil -
October 2018 $6,777 PDF download from Resources section below.
September 2018 Nil -
August 2018 Nil -
July 2018 Nil -
June 2018 $6,988 PDF download from Resources section below.


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