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new homes created

Aerial view and boundary of Aldinga site

This 45-hectare greenfield site represents a significant opportunity to support the increasing demand for housing and projected population growth in Adelaide’s south.

Project Type
Project Status

About the project

The Aldinga site represents a significant development opportunity that will support projected population growth in one of the fastest growing regions in the State.

Located in the City of Onkaparinga, Aldinga has been through a strong period of growth and is now a thriving township with increasing housing demand.

It is envisaged that future development of the site will support the long-term appeal and growth of Aldinga while demonstrating exceptional sustainable design principles and upholding the regions unique identity and sense of place.

Renewal SA has engaged extensively with the local community to bring this superbly-positioned land parcel to market.


Indicative program

Please note: this program is indicative only, and subject to change.

Preliminary structure plan


Draft structure plan


Final structure plan


Aldinga Suburban Neighbourhood Development Plan Amendment public consultation




Stage 1 Registration of Interest


Stage 2 Request for Proposal

Q1 2022

Request for Proposal process terminated

June 2022

Request for Proposal 2023

May 2023

Request for Proposal closes

June 2023

Notification of Preferred Proponent

Q3 2023

Renewal SA and successful Proponent enter into DA subject to approvals

Q4 2023

Project progress and status

On Tuesday, 14 June 2022, the state government made a decision to reserve a rail corridor for the potential future extension of the Seaford rail line through to Aldinga Beach Road, Aldinga.

This impacted a process that was underway to find a development partner to transform the greenfield landholding at Aldinga into a sustainable master-planned residential community as the reserved corridor ran directly through the land marketed for development.

As a result, Renewal SA terminated its Request for Proposal process for the Aldinga development.

In May 2023, it was announced that approximately 45 hectares at Aldinga would be returned to the market presenting a unique new opportunity for developers to deliver the master-planned community in an area with a critical need for more housing.

Renewal SA ran a single-stage Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify a development partner with the skills and vision to deliver on the project objectives and to deliver the best outcome for the state.

The RFP sought an innovative development partner with experience and vision to expand the Aldinga community with a high-quality, sustainable, master-planned development that celebrates Aldinga’s unique character and integrates with the surrounding neighbourhood.

It is expected the new development will encompass:

  • more than 800 dwellings that comprise a diverse range of housing types and price points to facilitate housing choice as well as affordability
  • high-quality open spaces including a linear corridor, connections with the surrounding neighbourhood and considered interfaces with the future rail corridor, Main South Road, Aldinga Sports Park, Aldinga CFS, Cardijn College Galilee and the new Aldinga Payinthi College
  • a water sensitive urban design stormwater solution that provides water quality, biodiversity, recreational and cultural benefits in addition to distributed open space and access to nature. (Feedback from the local community is a chain of ponds design is preferred)
  • a high focus on sustainability, demonstrating innovation and showcasing industry leading development.

The RFP process closed on Thursday 22 June 2023 and the evaluation process for a preferred proponent is now underway.

Aldinga rail extension

The South Australian Government has preserved a corridor of land at Aldinga for a future extension of the Seaford rail line to Aldinga. The 60-metre wide corridor from Quinliven Road to Aldinga Beach Road provides long-term options for the growing southern suburbs.

Although there are no plans in the next decade to build a train extension to Aldinga, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport has undertaken preliminary planning to determine what a future extension might look like. This will ensure that the development of the land at Aldinga will be able to integrate with a future rail line.

Learn more about the preliminary planning to determine what a future extension might look like here.

Stakeholders and community

Renewal SA is committed to ensuring key stakeholders, including the community are engaged as part of the planning process, and engaged extensively in relation to the Aldinga Deferred Urban Land Structure Plan and the Aldinga Suburban Neighbourhood Development Plan Amendment (DPA).

The Structure Plan which was managed by Renewal SA and preceded the DPA engagement, was prepared in line with the principles of the new Community Engagement Charter developed for and overseen by the State Planning Commission.

The City of Onkaparinga also prepared the Aldinga Framework Plan to assist Council and the community to provide input into the Aldinga Structure Plan.

Preliminary Structure Plan

In 2019, a briefing and workshop session was held with a wide range of local community groups and organisations in the lead up to broader community consultation on the Preliminary Structure Plan.

Draft Structure Plan

Community drop-in sessions were also held in 2019 to provide locals with the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the Draft Structure Plan, as well as engage directly with Renewal SA and planning consultants Fyfe.

The community was also invited to view the draft plan and share their thoughts online.

The Draft Structure Plan was built on earlier engagement on the preliminary plan, providing direction for the future land use of approximately 80 hectares to accommodate projected population growth.

Final Engagement Report

The final report summarised the community feedback received through the Aldinga structure planning process.

These plans can all be viewed in the Resources section below.

Heritage and culture

The Kaurna Miyurna (Kaurna people) are the traditional owners of the Land and Renewal SA is committed to involving the Kaurna Miyurna people in the planning, design and development of the project.

The Aldinga area is known to the Kaurna Miyurna people as ‘Ngaltingga’. Ngaltingga sustained Kaurna Miyurna for many thousands of years and there are several archaeological sites, objects and remains that have been recorded. The Washpool (or Wangkondanangko, meaning ‘possum place’), Willunga Creek and the Aldinga Scrub are particularly important places.

Renewal SA has commissioned an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey that includes several recommendations that Renewal SA and the successful development partner will implement.

Renewal SA will require that the Developer work collaboratively with Kaurna representatives to create culturally and naturally sympathetic spaces, particularly in relation to water management. This may take the form of natural spaces with native plantings, cultural markers and informational and educational signage as well as culturally appropriate art installations.


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