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Renewal SA investment



Lighthouse and waterfront at Port Adelaide

Port Adelaide’s place in our state’s history is evolving into one of contemporary significance.

Project Type
Project Status

About the project

Port Adelaide has evolved into an area where creativity, commerce, entertainment and education are fusing into one energetic and rewarding destination.

Almost a decade after the state government launched its visionary plan to rejuvenate the Port through the ‘Our Port’ renewal project, South Australia’s historic maritime town is re-emerging as a thriving waterfront community.

In partnership with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, the endeavour has led to significant improvements made to public infrastructure, heritage buildings, transport links and streetscapes in and around the Port that has helped this retail and tourist precinct to thrive.




Private Investment


Objectives and outcomes

Port Adelaide is a place of discovery, energy, culture and diversity – an eclectic, vibrant reflection of the South Australian character more broadly. Renewal SA has partnered with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield; and worked closely with the community and key stakeholders to deliver this vision.

With significant investment from both state government and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, Renewal SA has undertaken a program of activations and initiatives to bring new life and vitality to the Port and support land sales.

Developed by Renewal SA, the Port Adelaide Precinct Plan has guided development at the Port. It set a range of objectives, including:

  • Reducing building heights, increasing public open space areas and providing promenades with cafes and shops
  • Ability for residents and visitors to access the entire harbour and waterfront
  • Celebrating and restoring historic buildings to ensure a strong connection between the old and the new
  • Retaining heritage wharf areas and activating the water for recreation
  • A strategy for delivery of affordable housing
  • Expansion of the Renewal SA Works Program with opportunities provided to local residents for practical and live site training and work experience programs

The Precinct Plan envisions the creation of 2,000–4,000 homes that build on and reinterpret the Port’s unique character with active main streets and pedestrian-friendly inspirational spaces for an additional 4,000–8,000 people. It also includes allowances to nearly double public open space.

Sustainable development and activation of the area is expected to generate 1,000–1,500 construction jobs and $1–2 billion in private investment over a 20-year period.

Heritage and culture

The Port Adelaide Precinct Plan established that urban renewal should capitalise on the maritime heritage and the uniqueness and character of the Port should be preserved and enhanced.

Renewal SA has delivered a range of projects that are celebrating the Port’s heritage, including supporting the establishment of a new maritime heritage precinct at Dock 2. Dock 2 was nominated to the State Heritage register in 2018. The listing encompasses the two sheds, the existing wharf infrastructure and two surviving 1958 luffing cranes. The maritime heritage precinct will become home to land-based vessels including the City of Adelaide, the world’s oldest clipper ship, and the Nelcebee, the second-to-last ketch to operate in the South Australian coastal trade as well as on-water boats, the One and All and the Falie.

The iconic Hart's Mill precinct has evolved into an energetic community space. Renewal SA converted the Flour Shed into a community events venue as well as delivered landscape construction works comprising a mill-themed playground, public amenities and a shared-use loop path around the waterfront. These works won the UNESCO New Design in Heritage Concepts Award at the 2018 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The awards programme recognises efforts to successfully conserve structures and buildings of heritage value.

A public art piece was commissioned by Our Port and City of Port Adelaide Enfield and was installed at Hart’s Mill. The artwork celebrates and values the strong Aboriginal connection to the place and area. It represents the sophistication of Aboriginal culture and language that have survived for over 60,000 years.

This piece is a connection node with the Mudlangga to Yertabulti Track, which shares stories by Aboriginal people about Port Adelaide and Lefevre Peninsula. The Meeting Place Sculpture and Journey Lines celebrate the strong Aboriginal connection to this place and represent the sophistication of Aboriginal culture and language.

Yaintya yartarra padnima, nguturni’adlu. When we walk this country, we gain in knowledge.

Venues and facilities for hire

The Port is one of those places that people want to keep coming back to. The ambience of Hart’s Mill — with its wide walkways and waterfront position — makes it such a great spot for an event or festival. Already we’ve seen the area come alive with music, art and family fun.

Renewal SA has a number of facilities and venues available for public events. The following venues are available for community use:

  • Hart’s Mill Lawns (outdoor)
  • Hart’s Mill Market Space (outdoor)
  • Flour Shed (indoor)

Although these are not available for private functions, you can contact City of Port Adelaide Enfield for a list of venues for private function hire.

We require hirers to hold insurance to the value of at least $20 million for any one incident.

The Flour Shed, Hart’s Mill, Mundy Street

Suitable for community events, including music, cinema, exhibitions, theatre performances and concerts.

Size and capacity

  • Main venue space: Floor size approximately 814m2 with ceiling height to 5m.
  • Maximum number of attendees is 400.
  • Larger-scale events (up to 850 people) are possible, with special conditions (see below).
  • Mezzanine can hold up to 30 people at any one time with no additional furniture or equipment.


  • Large venue space.
  • Mezzanine, with the exception of the sectioned-off area which is off-limits.
  • Mural artwork on southern internal wall.
  • Back of house area.
  • Basic kitchen facilities, including electric oven, cooktop and refrigerator. No cutlery, crockery or other items are provided.
  • Disability-friendly access to ground floor venue and toilets. Disabled access through front doors only.
  • Male and female toilet facilities. No toilet paper or soap are provided.
  • Cleaner’s closet with mop, bucket and broom. No cleaning products are provided.


  • Due to weight loading restrictions, no suspension from the ceiling, nor any of the structural supports are allowed. All rigging must be free-standing.
  • Due to weight loading issues, no one is allowed to access the sectioned-off service area on the mezzanine level.
  • Doors, windows and openings may need to remain closed during events to minimise noise emissions from buildings, and to meet noise requirements (see noise restrictions below).
  • No pets inside the venue.
  • All waste must be removed from the site by the hirer.
  • No toilet paper, soap or cleaning products are provided.
  • No cutlery, crockery or other items are provided.
  • No cooking is allowed in the Flour Shed as there are no extraction fans. Any smoke from cooking etc. will set off the fire alarms.
  • Cars must not be driven into the Flour Shed.

Noise emissions

Noise levels emitted from the building should not exceed 8dB above the level of background noise (L90,15 min) in any octave band of the sound spectrum and should not exceed 5dB (A) above the level of background noise (LA90, 15 min) for the overall (sum of all octave bands) A-weighted levels, when measured and adjusted according to the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2007.

During large events or performances within the facility, including the use of amplified music, the doors to the venue may need to remain closed to meet the noise requirements (except for limited periods to meet operational requirements such as the delivery of catering supplies or the like).


It is expected that event hirers will leave the Flour Shed in an acceptable condition and that all waste, decorations, spillages and odours will be removed.

A $200 cleaning fee will be charged to all hirers for a standard-level, professional clean of the venue unless the event hirer can demonstrate that they have engaged a professional cleaning service for this purpose.

If the venue requires cleaning beyond a standard-level cleaning service, the cost of this will be invoiced to the event hirer.

Special circumstances

For major events and/or events that utilise additional (outdoor) space at Hart’s Mill, the cleaning arrangement will be negotiated with Renewal SA. The event hirer will be required to demonstrate that they have engaged a professional cleaning service.

Larger-scale events (up to 850 people) in the Flour Shed


The Flour Shed’s maximum occupancy is 850 people when the large roller door on the south-eastern wall (facing Mundy Street) is secured open at a minimum height of 2m for the duration of an event.

This height is adequate for safety purposes; however, it is recommended that the roller door is opened further to increase ventilation and air-flow.

To increase the capacity of the Flour Shed from 400 to 850 people, additional toilets will need to be hired.

Based on the assumption that your event would be attended by a maximum of 425 males and 425 females, the following is an estimate of the minimum number of toilets you would require for the comfort of patrons:


  • 3 pans (1 additional pan required)
  • 7 urinals (5 additional urinals required)
  • 4 washbasins (3 additional washbasins required)
  • 8 pans (3 additional pans required)
  • 4 washbasins (1 additional washbasin required).

Mezzanine area

  • Mezzanine can hold up to 30 people at any one time with no additional furniture or equipment. People may take only what they can carry with them up the stairs.
  • Due to weight loading issues, no one is allowed to access the sectioned-off service area on the mezzanine level. This area is not available for use under any circumstances.


  • Temporary exit signage will be required at the roller door.
  • Security staff should be positioned at all exits (including the roller door) to ensure that egress is not blocked at any stage.

Floor plan

  • Flour Shed ground floor area: approximately 30.95m x 26.3m
  • Mezzanine area (above toilets): approximately 50m2.

View Flour Shed Floor Plan

Hart’s Mill Lawns

Suitable for community and club events and activities, picnics, outdoor cinema or as a performance space.

All events (including ticketed events) requesting a permit need to be public events.

Size and capacity

  • Total size of lawn area: 1659m2
  • 200 people
  • Licensed events may require the use of fencing to allow for managing attendance.


  • Accessible by people with a disability or mobility issues.
  • Public toilet located on Mundy Street.
  • Barbeque area includes existing picnic table and chairs.
  • Adjacent to the playground.


  • No electricity/power is available.
  • Barbeque and lawn areas must remain accessible for general public use.
  • No spikes, tent pegs or similar may be driven into the ground/lawn area. The use of weights is permissible.
  • No vehicles are allowed on the lawns or promenade.

Cleaning and waste removal

All waste is to be removed by the hirer and the area left in a tidy and acceptable state.

If Renewal SA is required to bring in contractors to clean the site, the costs will be sent to the hirer.

View Hart's Mill Lawn Map

Hart’s Mill Market Space, Mundy Street

Suitable for community and club events and activities, market stalls, performance space.


  • Total size of paved area: 1749m2.


  • Accessible by people with a disability or mobility issues.
  • Public toilet located on Mundy Street.
  • Hard ground surface.
  • Electricity/power available upon request.


  • Area must remain accessible for general public use.
  • No vehicles are allowed on the lawns or promenade.

Cleaning and waste removal

All waste is to be removed by the hirer and the area left in a tidy and acceptable state.

If Renewal SA is required to bring in contractors to clean the site, the costs will be sent to the hirer.

View Hart's Mill Market Space Map

Promoting your event

In return for Renewal SA’s in-kind support (providing use of the venue for no hire fees), Renewal SA reserves the right to be acknowledged as an event supporter in promotional material. If requested, hirers will be expected to acknowledge Renewal SA’s (Our Port) support for the event through channels such as social media, media releases used to promote your event, print materials, signage and more.

We may promote your project through our social media channels (@ourportadl) at our discretion to help drive attendance and exposure. The Our Port project has platforms across Facebook and Instagram where we may share your content if given sufficient notice.


Any promotional materials such as flyers and posters (both online and hard copies) must include the Our Port and Renewal SA logos. Please note that the use of these logos must be approved by Renewal SA prior to publishing or circulating promotional materials.

Logos and a style guide will be provided by Renewal SA if a partnership is confirmed.

Planning your event

How do I book a venue?

To request a booking please complete and submit the following online Venue Expression of Interest form. This will be sent directly to Renewal SA who will be in touch with you.

Please note:

  • You will require Public Liability Insurance to the sum of at least $20 million for each event.
  • Booking time must also include bump-in and bump-out dates and times (see below for access).

What time can I access the venue?

  • 8.00 am–10.00 pm, Sunday to Thursday (noise restrictions apply before 10.00 am on Sundays).
  • 8.00 am–12.00 am (midnight), Friday and Saturday.
  • Access to venues for bump in may commence from 6.00 am under the provision that no amplified or loud noise is generated prior to 8.00 am on Monday to Saturday or 10.00 am on Sunday.
  • One additional hour may be allocated to bump out at the end of the event under the provision that no amplified or loud noise is generated.

How long before an event can I book a venue?

Renewal SA requires a minimum of 14 days to process bookings.

Bookings will be accepted no earlier than 6 months before the proposed date of your event, and will be assessed for suitability as part of a coordinated program of events.

How much does it cost to hire a venue?

Renewal SA does not charge venue hire fees. Use of the venues are offered as in-kind support of the event by Renewal SA. As such, Renewal SA reserves the right to be acknowledged as a major sponsor of the event.

Can I change the dates of an existing booking?

To amend an existing booking, you will need to discuss this with Renewal SA and confirm the change in writing via email. Alternatively, you can resubmit the Venue Expression of Interest form..

How do I cancel?

If the use of the venue is no longer required, please contact Renewal SA on 08 8207 1300 or email [email protected] as early as possible to enable other users to book the space.

Can I organise to view the Flour Shed?

The Flour Shed is only available for viewing during standard business hours. Email [email protected] to organise a viewing time in advance.

Are there any other venues available in Port Adelaide?

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has parks and garden facilities suitable for weddings, picnics and other large outdoor functions.

For community hall or garden bookings and enquiries, please contact Customer Service on 8405 6600.

Setting up your event

Who will help me on the day of my event?

The event hirer is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the event have been organised prior to the event commencing including venue access, setup and pack-down.

Renewal SA is only available during standard business hours on Mondays to Fridays to assist with venue logistics.

Can we hang or stick things to the walls, or hang things from the ceiling?

  • Nothing may be stuck to the walls, floors or murals at any venue.
  • Nothing is to be hung from the ceiling or beams of any venues due to weight loading restrictions.

What else do I need to know?

  • Smoke machines, hazers, candles and naked flames are not permitted within Renewal SA buildings without prior written permission.
  • Due to weight loading issues, vehicles must not be driven onto or into the Flour Shed.
  • No pegs, stakes, spikes or similar are to be used on the lawns at Hart’s Mill due to the irrigation system.
  • Disabled access is through front doors only.

Safety and compliance

What are the noise restrictions?

All premises are subject to the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007, which sets limits on noise pollution. You must take all reasonable and practicable measures to minimise noise emissions from your event.

Music (including live bands and DJs) or any amplified sound emitted from buildings or venues should not exceed 8dB above the level of background noise (currently measured at 54dBA). Doors, windows and openings may need to remain closed during events in order to minimise noise emissions from buildings to meet these requirements.

First Aid

It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that first-aid kits and first-aid trained people are available to assist in case of an emergency.

Food service

It is the hirer’s responsibility to inform the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and obtain any temporary food business permits that may be required.

If hirers wish to use caterers for an event, basic kitchen facilities are available at the Flour Shed. The Flour Shed must be booked for events to use these facilities.

Do we need a Liquor Licence?

If you wish to provide alcohol, you will need to organise a liquor licence for your event.

To obtain a liquor licence, visit the website and the Consumer and Business Services website.

Emergency Contact

Please note there are no site managers for any of the venues. This contact is for emergencies only (such as security or plumbing): Zvonko Vuksan, Senior Asset Manager, Renewal SA: 0417 854 359.

After your event


Venues are to be vacated and left in a clean and acceptable state by the end of the time allocated to your event. Venues have regulated times by which functions must finish. Unless booked in advance, there is no access to the venue the next day for cleaning or pack down purposes.

The Flour Shed

It is expected that event hirers will leave the Flour Shed in an acceptable condition and that all waste, decorations, spillages and odours will be removed.

If the venue is not cleaned to Renewal SA’s satisfaction at the conclusion of an event, Renewal SA will commission a professional cleaning service and the cost of this will be invoiced to the event hirer.

Special circumstances

For major events at the Flour Shed that utilise additional outdoor space at Hart’s Mill, the cleaning arrangement will be negotiated with Renewal SA. The event hirer will be required to demonstrate that they have engaged a professional cleaning service.

Waste removal

Event hirers are responsible for the removal of all waste generated by their event. There are no bin or waste facilities provided at the venues.

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