Leanne Shearing’s dazzling smile isn’t the only reason Bowden has extra sparkle these days.
Leanne, a proud Ngarrindjeri-Narungga woman, arrived at the Bowden neighbourhood in April after securing a contract to provide professional cleaning services on behalf of Zippy Indigenous Facilities Services, or ZIFS.
Since that time, the upkeep of both the Bowden Information and Sales Centre on Third Street and Renewal SA’s project office on Gibson Street have been in Leanne’s capable hands and she says it’s an ideal job.
“I live in the city so I can get to work on the train or the tram,” Leanne said.
“It’s really easy to come and go from Bowden which is great, plus I like the people here.”
Renewal SA Project Director for Bowden Shane Wingard said the sentiment was mutual.
“Leanne does a fantastic job. Everyone at Bowden enjoys her company and, importantly, the quality of her work is excellent,” Shane said.
“We’re very happy to have her in the neighbourhood and with the responsive, and professional service, provided by ZIFS.”

Leanne Shearing from Zippy Indigenous Facilities Services
Leanne is one of two ZIFS contractors who have gained employment at Renewal SA projects in Adelaide, thanks to Renewal SA’s Works Program.
The second contractor, proud Yankunytjatjara woman Valerie Brown, also started in April.
Valerie is contracted to provide professional cleaning services at Playford Alive, Renewal SA’s major urban renewal project in Adelaide’s north.
“Valerie is very professional and is doing a wonderful job,” Playford Alive Development Manager Alison Dywer said.
“It’s great to have her on site.”
The link to ZIFS was presented to Renewal SA Training and Employment Initiatives Manager Samantha Wilson by the Office of the Industry Advocate, whose representative approached her earlier this year with an extensive list of Indigenous-owned businesses and contractors in South Australia.
She saw the opportunity immediately.

Renewal SA Works Program manager Samantha Wilson, Leanne Shearing from Zippy Indigenous Facilities Services and Renewal SA Project Director for Bowden Shane Wingard inside the Bowden Information & Sales Centre on Third Street.
“I was very happy to explore whether there was an opportunity to embed an Indigenous contractor in the supply chain of a Renewal SA project,” said Samantha, who manages Renewal SA’s Works Program.
“The Works Program is all about building capacity in the local workforce through connecting local people with training and employment opportunities within Renewal SA projects, which are located right across Adelaide.
“It just so happened that the cleaning service contracts for both Bowden and Playford Alive were due for renewal – ZIFS submitted a successful quotation to undertake the work and the rest is history.
“It’s a win-win.
“The difference a conversation can make is remarkable because I had no idea how many Indigenous businesses existed in Adelaide until I was approached by the Office of the Industry Advocate.
“There’s a whole range of services from cultural education to cleaning services to graphic design and catering.
“What a fantastic opportunity to make a difference by supporting economic independence in communities in Adelaide.”
More information
The extensive range of goods and services provided by Indigenous-owned businesses in South Australia can be viewed online at supplynation.org.au.
The Renewal SA Works Program provides many different opportunities for local people to benefit from Renewal SA’s urban renewal activities through employment, education and work experience.
> Register your interest in future Works Program initiatives