In May-June 2016, Renewal SA in partnership with Western Futures, UnitingCare Wesley Bowden and TAFE SA ran the sixth Support Worker Pre-employment program at Bowden, delivering participants accredited training in Senior First Aid and Food Safety and Manual Handling as well as on-the-job experience in care work.
This sixth program was run as a trial of a project that aims to assist women who have been out of the workforce for a significant period gain employment through training, mentoring and career pathways in the community services.
The project was officially launched in Adelaide by the Federal Minister for Women and Employment, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, at the sixth program graduation, and was followed by a successful outcome in which eighty per cent of program participants gained employment.
Acknowledging the success of this program, UCWB, Renewal SA and TAFE SA have been nominated as finalists for the 2016 Training Awards Industry Collaboration Award. Winners will be announced in September.