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Two-storey homes with fencing of redbrick and charcoal coloured cladding line a new, treelined neighbourhood street, with townhomes and apartment buildings in the background during the day.

Planning is underway and consultation is about to commence on the second stage of the inner metro growth project to promote renewal of suburbs close to the Adelaide CBD. This second stage extends the project to additional council areas including Holdfast Bay and Charles Sturt. As well as extending into new areas, the project will continue to build upon what has been achieved in stage one.

Stage one of the project initiated rezoning to increase building heights and housing density along key transit corridors in Adelaide’s inner and middle suburbs. Stage two looks toward further rezoning in areas currently being used for commercial or mixed use in the cities of Burnside, Charles Sturt, Holdfast Bay, Mitcham, Norwood, Payneham and St Peters, Unley and West Torrens.

The overall aims of the project are to create vibrant communities, greater housing choice, thriving main streets, reduced transport costs and emissions and to protect character areas.

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