Approximately 23,000 residents currently live within the CBD, but at an average 2.5 per cent growth rate, or 529 people each year over the past five years, steps are being taken towards accelerating population growth.
The Government of South Australia and Adelaide City Council share the vision of creating a thriving, 24-hour city, with well supported business and tourist industries – but this depends on bringing more residents into the city. Increasing inner city population density has other anticipated benefits, including reduced carbon emissions and urban sprawl, and high-functioning public transport in and around the CBD.
The Capital City Committee, which represents a high-level partnership between local and state governments, has commissioned Hudson Howells to undertake this research, which includes surveying a sample of 2400 people comprising those living in greater metropolitan Adelaide, new city residents, interstate residents, plus international students, industry and investors.
Research will focus on:
- local, interstate and international residential markets
- how to attract people to city living
- identifying barriers to city living
- what’s important to people when considering the city as a place to reside.
It will also paint a picture of emerging and future employment markets in the city and how to leverage opportunities to grow the CBD population.
The results will be made available to the industry to support development of a range of housing products suitable to market needs.
For further updates and information on the progress of this research, subscribe to receive Capital City Committee updates.