Reconciliation is our nation’s journey towards a united future for non-Indigenous peoples and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are a central part of Australia’s and South Australia’s respective identities.
Reconciliation allows us to foster greater understanding and celebrate the future of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures so that it is not lost to future generations. It is also an opportunity for all Australians to acknowledge and remember the past and then move together into the future.
Last year, Renewal SA embarked on a journey to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) that provides strategic direction on how we can participate in the national reconciliation movement. A group of passionate Renewal SA employees put their hand up to contribute to the movement through our organisation’s first RAP Working Group; and in December 2019, we launched our first RAP.
Why this is important to us
As Australians, we are very fortunate to share and celebrate our country with the world’s oldest continuing living cultures — each with traditions spanning tens of thousands of years and legacies that remain strong in our modern society.
At Renewal SA, we partner and engage with communities, industry and organisations every day to create better places for all South Australians. Even though we have worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the planning and development of land across the Greater Adelaide region for many years, a RAP provides and commits us to a proactive plan of action, so we can take meaningful steps in strengthening relationships with our Indigenous communities.
Renewal SA has adopted Reconciliation Australia’s RAP framework. Our first ‘Reflect’ RAP provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our organisation, our activities and our relationships. This process will allow us to define our contribution to reconciliation over the coming years with the goal of developing future action plans that are genuine, integrated, mutually beneficial and sustainable.
On 26 November 2019, more than 700 people joined the Kaurna community to heal the former Royal Adelaide Hospital site (Lot Fourteen) and celebrated reconnection to our Country in a Smoking Ceremony.
More information
Read about our Reconciliation Action Plan to find out more about our current commitment to reconciliation.
To speak to one of our staff about our reconciliation journey or potential partnership opportunities, please email us.