In Round 4 of City Makers Renewal SA is offering $10,000 for building compliance matters, and increased grants of up to $7500 towards place making activities.
Applications are now open and will be processed in rolling sub-rounds with applications assessed on a monthly basis.
Place making grants may be awarded for public art, street activation and creative activities, which add to an areas amenity and appearance and encourage visitation, and this time around creative ideas for the Market to Riverbank link are strongly encouraged.
Of the project, Renewal SA General Manager, Georgina Vasilevski, explained: “The Market to Riverbank project is about delivering people-led design to create a connected and inspiring link where people want to live, work, invest and spend time in.”
The link includes upgrades to Bank St, Leigh St, Topham Mall, Bentham St and Pitt St, delivering a connected link between two of the city’s most iconic destinations in the Adelaide Central Market and Adelaide Oval.
One of the eleven successful applicants from Round 3 of City Makers was Hindley Street co-working space DEW (Drink, Eat, Work), which provides a work hub, art space, studio and lounge.
DEW Founder, Juan Londono, said: “The grant we received from City Makers gave us a big helping hand towards securing outdoor seating and additional greenery for our premises… we’re now able to offer outdoor seating, which is brilliant for our summer trade… I’d encourage anyone with an idea to apply for funding through City Makers.”
Other past recipients include small bars/eateries such as NOLA and Mama Jambo, and art collectives from SALA Festival and the Art Gallery of South Australia.
Eligible applicants for City Makers grants include:
- entrepreneurs
- sole traders (if applying for building compliance funding)
- registered businesses
- artists in entertainment and performance spaces and studios
- community groups
- partnerships.
Ideas need to be based within the Adelaide CBD and funding can be used for building compliance (accessibility, fire safety, noise attenuation requirements and heritage considerations) and/or place making (street furniture, public art and innovative activation concepts).