Renewal SA’s new Board of Management has now officially commenced its first term, chaired by Stephen Hains AM and comprising seven dynamic leaders in the fields of strategic town planning, environmental and heritage protection, regional development, property investment, law, accountancy and public policy.
The new Board consists of two reappointments and five new appointments beginning their terms on 31 July 2022.
- Stephen Hains AM will serve as Chair. Mr Hains has served South Australia through numerous roles within local and state government; he is currently the Deputy Chancellor of Flinders University and most recently Chairman of the Stormwater Management Authority. In January 2022 he received the Order of Australia Medal for his service to local government, education and community. (Appointed as Presiding Member)
- Anne Moroney has private and public commercial legal practice experience and brings a commercial perspective of risk and structure to economic development, strategy and implementation. She also brings her considerable regional knowledge to the Board in her capacity as Chief Executive of Regional Development Australia Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Plains.
- David O’Loughlin serves the Prospect community as the Mayor for the City of Prospect. In 2015, Mayor O’Loughlin was the President of the Local Government Association of South Australia and continues to serve on the Association. He brings experience in economic development, regional service sharing, boundary adjustment reforms and planning reforms.
- Anne Skipper has more than 30 years of experience as a company director in the not-for-profit, government and private sector, and both nationally and internationally and will provide significant expertise in corporate governance to the URA Board.
- Austin Taylor OAM is a governance and risk management expert and provides expertise in areas such as board management and developing and maintaining business relationships. He is currently a Director of the South Australian Film Corporation.
- Kimberley Willits (nee Gillan) is the General Manager State Representative of Charter Hall, a leading national property investment management company with more than $30 billion in funds under management. Kimberley is a current Divisional Councillor of the Property Council of South Australia.
- Damien Walker is the Chief Executive of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and has significant experience in strategic planning, industry development and public policy. He was formerly Director-General of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning in the Queensland Government.
Renewal SA is deeply grateful to outgoing Board members Con Tragakis, Helen Fulcher, David Hughes and Phil Rundle, and we thank them for their expertise and outstanding service.
As the state government’s urban renewal arm, charged with initiating residential, commercial and industrial development that is in the public interest, we look forward to partnering with our new Board members to progress the agency’s vision for our state.