On Friday 16 December we acknowledged and celebrated our people’s commitment to achieving a positive and high performing workplace over the last twelve months. Our Inspiring Future Awards recognised the outstanding staff performance in three categories: Our People, Our Business and Our Culture. Congratulations to all nominees and winners.
The last 12 months has been a time of significant change and achievement for Renewal SA, and the story we are telling is changing the lives of people for the better. Some of the highlights include:
- Bold vision for the current Royal Adelaide Hospital site was revealed, attracting more than $1 billion in private investment
- Development of 23 hectares of land at Port Adelaide announced and injecting $280 million into the economy over the next 10 years
- Over 145,000 visitors were attracted to the CBD with the Alpine Winter Village activation in the Adelaide Riverbank
- More than 1500 placements were created including work experience, paid employment and training for local people across our projects
- Approximately 14,300 grants were paid for emergency relief totalling approximately $8 million following on from the state blackout
- Four hundred industry members attended the Renewing Our Streets and Suburbs industry briefing
- Completed and formally opened Bowden Town Square and Plant 4 refurbishment
- Increased employee engagement with 86 per cent of participation in performance conversations and reduced the average days of unplanned absences by 5 per cent
- Released over 20 publications and engaged with over 50,000 people
- Strengthened our financial position by reducing operating costs by 29 per cent
- Over 350 homes tendered under the 1000 Homes in 1000 Days program
- Twenty-three small venues opened injecting over $20 million into the economy and creating over 250 jobs
- Committed to the end of violence against women by signing an oath and embarking on the journey to become an accredited White Ribbon workplace.
We look forward to 2017 continuing to deliver an inspiring urban future for South Australia.