A major new residential development in Adelaide’s south is expected to offer new choices in high quality housing in a master planned addition to Adelaide’s popular southern suburbs.
A 42 hectare site on Commercial Road in Seaford Meadows is being offered for sale by expression of interest.
The State Government, through Renewal SA, is seeking an experienced developer to deliver a high quality master planned development featuring a diversity of quality housing and new public infrastructure.
Development of the site is estimated to support 150 jobs per year over a nine-year construction period and stimulate investment of about $250 million.
The site on Commercial Road, Seaford Meadows is 42 hectares and located between the southern coastline and the McLaren Vale wine region.
The site is owned by the South Australian Housing Trust and its development will support the Renewing Our Streets and Suburbs initiative to provide better quality social housing and increase housing choices and affordability.
Travel times to the city have improved significantly following the Southern Expressway duplication and the Seaford rail extension, with further time savings expected following the completion of the Darlington Upgrade.
The site is currently vacant and has historically been used for farming.
The successful proponent will be required to prepare a master plan for the site in consultation with Renewal SA and the City of Onkaparinga and ensure the development is well connected and provides a high quality public realm that meet the needs of the local community.
Objectives for the site include:
- Connections of recycled water to all homes and reserves;
- Provide around 90 new social housing dwellings and 15 per cent affordable housing; and
- Provide local employment and work experience opportunities.
The sale is being marketed through McGees Property.
Expressions of interest close at 2pm on Thursday 13 October 2016.