In an important milestone for the first stage of the Market to Riverbank link project, initial artist’s impressions reflecting the concept designs for Bank Street and Topham Mall North were unveiled to property and business owners at an information session on Tuesday.
Artist’s impression of the Bank Street concept designs
The impressions are based on concept designs that underwent an extensive community and stakeholder engagement process and provide the vision for turning the Market to Riverbank link from a dream into reality.
This follows the release of concept plans for Bank Street in November 2016, and the announcement of the state government-council partnership to transform the network of small streets and laneways between the Adelaide Central Market and the Adelaide Riverbank in June 2016.
Upgrades include the installation of trees, lighting, new paving, landscaping, street furniture and public art.
Bank Street construction is expected to start at the end of March 2017 with an announcement of the civil contractor imminent.