Local South Australian family-owned business McMahon Services has begun setting up on the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site marking the start of demolition works.
The East, Hone and Cobalt Wings and the Emergency Link will be the first structures to be brought down during Stage One of demolition and remediation, which is expected to take up to year and support up to 100 local jobs.
Visit the former Royal Adelaide Hospital site page for further details of the demolition planned for Stage One.
"Demolishing these old and outdated buildings is an important first step in reclaiming this site for people to enjoy and this milestone marks another step forward for this project, which will reshape Adelaide’s East End." - The Hon. Stephen Mullighan, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure
The demolition milestone follows another successful activations: the L.I.T. (Light. Innovation. Technology.) festival, which drew 1500 people to the East End on Saturday night. Using the former hospital as a backdrop, the event combined colourful, engaging and interactive lighting artworks, including the interactive display, The Hive (launched in October). Visitors got an early look at the golden Adelaide_Portal and the chance to interact with people from as far away as Herat, Afghanistan, while enjoying KIK Coffee, thanks to our latest Works Program.
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, The Hon Stephen Mullighan advised, "Consultants are well advanced on further defining our long-established vision for a mixed-use site including returning almost a third to the (Adelaide) Botanic Garden, re-using all the heritage buildings and maintaining residential accommodation to support both day and night-time activity."
"Negotiations with potential partners and stakeholders are also well advanced, as we manage this critical city site to ensure full control over all elements of the project remain in public hands."
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