The $30 million refurbishment will provide 300 workspaces across four levels for entrepreneurs, global businesses, scale-ups in the fast growing industries and clusters of defence and space technologies.
Renewal SA Acting Chief Executive, Mark Devine said Hansen Yuncken have been awarded the managing contractor through an open tender to undertake the heritage refurbishment and fit out.
“Works will commence in the coming weeks, following the completion of preliminary works by McMahon Services,” Mr Devine said.
“The refurbishment of the McEwin Building will add to ongoing program across the six heritage and historic buildings that are currently being restored in stages and prepared for adaptive re-use as contemporary space for entrepreneurs.”
JPE Design Studio, the lead architect for the adaptive reuse of the McEwin Building have delivered a modern design sympathetic to the original art deco era of the building that provides leading edge technology.
The building will feature adaptable floor plates with energy and water sustainability features along with ‘end of trip facilities’ that include secure bicycle storage and amenities for the majority of the innovation neighbourhood.
These works are the catalyst for delivering the vision for Adelaide’s innovation neighbourhood, and to attract the fast-growing and future industry clusters in defence and space technologies, cyber security, artificial intelligence, immersive media and creative technologies.
In 2019, the new Australian Space Agency will be located at Lot Fourteen in the McEwin Building, reinforcing South Australia’s long-standing contribution to the nation’s space journey. The agency is responsible for whole-of-government coordination of civil space matters and is the primary source of advice to the Australian Government on civil space policy.