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Aerial view of established roads and housing, with an L-shaped boundary highlighted in lime green with a white border. The words 'share your feedback' feature in the top left-hand corner.

For the community in and around Glenside this consultation day is an opportunity to help us create a vision and be part of the planning process for the creation of a diverse, connected and thriving neighbourhood on the former Glenside Hospital grounds.

The 17.1 hectare parcel of land is within two kilometres of the city and has potential for 800 to 1000 high quality, innovative housing options. Community input is central to the successful redevelopment of the site. Your views will help to shape and determine the best way for the development to proceed, particularly around issues such as heritage, significant trees and the environmental features of the site.

Anyone unable to attend the event who is interested in sharing their ideas on the future of the site will be able to have their say on the Renewal SA website from 21 February until 9 March 2015. The event on Saturday 21 February and the online survey will be the first of many opportunities for the local community to be involved in planning the future of Glenside.

An expression of interest process for the development of the site will begin in early March 2015. A private sector partner will be selected to jointly plan and deliver the new neighbourhood at Glenside. A summary of feedback from the consultation day will be provided to interested developers.

When: Saturday 21 February 2015

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Where: The former Glenside Hospital grounds – enter via 226 Fullarton Road Glenside

Please note that heritage buildings will not be open to the public at the consultation day.

Online survey and more information

The online survey opens on Saturday 21 February until Monday 9 March 2015. You can view the background materials and complete the survey on the Glenside web page.

For more information about the Glenside site and development opportunity visit the Glenside web page.

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