Renewal SA and the SA Housing Authority are inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) to increase the supply of land and development projects for affordable housing in South Australia.
Proponents from the housing, property and development industry are invited to identify the availability of development sites and housing development projects in Adelaide and regional centres across South Australia. The state government is seeking to identify the opportunities that will supply land in the short, medium and longer term for affordable housing outcomes.
The outcomes of this EOI process will support the objectives of the Our Housing Future 2020–2030 strategy. The strategy is backed by more than $550 million of state government investment to spark investment, demonstrate innovation and remove barriers to home ownership and, amongst other actions, seeks to deliver 20,000 affordable housing solutions over the next decade.
The state government is committed to accelerating development that increases the supply of affordable housing for sale to a mix of low and moderate-income homebuyers who are eligible under the SA Housing Authority’s Affordable Homes Program.
Proposals are sought from land owners, builders, developers, housing providers or consortia for the delivery of land or development projects for affordable housing to eligible purchasers.
All EOIs will need to demonstrate quality housing outcomes, meet Affordable Housing Criteria and include strategies to manage risk.
Lodge your expression of interest
EOIs are to be submitted via SA Tenders & Contracts by no later than 2:00 pm on Friday, 16 October 2020.