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Man standing in front of a colourful abstract public art wall mural.

The old Royal Adelaide Hospital site will be opened up to the public as early as next year with plans for creative, innovative and unique activation opportunities on the site.

A number of sites around the old Royal Adelaide Hospital will be made available including the hospital’s helipad which has the potential to be turned into a rooftop bar.

Expressions of interest are being sought from entrepreneurs, creative industries and the arts community for ideas that will breathe new life into the site and create a hive of activity as soon as the hospital is vacated.

Opportunities will be offered during the site’s redevelopment to repurpose existing buildings and spaces for tourism, the arts and other events through public art and culture, installations, co-working spaces, retail, and food and beverage events.

If successful, some of the temporary initiatives may be considered for inclusion as long-term opportunities in the final development plans.

Proposals will be encouraged to link the old Royal Adelaide Hospital to the East End, North Terrace education and cultural precinct, Adelaide Riverbank and Adelaide Botanic Garden.

The curated short to medium term activation program is expected to run for up to five years.

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