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Artist render of Bentham Street featuring a paved street with cars, cyclists and pedestrians.

The release of Bentham Street concepts marks the achievement of another important milestone in the $14.6 million Market to Riverbank link project.

The upgrade of the street will seek to balance pedestrian, cycling and vehicular traffic. The proposed design will include a reduced speed limit, kerb-less wider footpaths, public seating, lighting, public art and greening to create leafy walk ways.

The concept design represents the revitalisation of Adelaide’s underutilised small streets and laneways that will be transformed into an energising and vibrant Market to Riverbank link.

The concept design was developed as a result of the laneways consultation that was undertaken in 2016 and endorsed by the Bentham Street stakeholders.

Following the detailed design phase, Bentham Street is expecting to commence construction in late December 2017-January 2018.

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