Place SA is a collaboration between Renewal SA, Arts SA, Country Arts SA, the SA divisions of the Australian Institute of Architects, the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, the Planning Institute of Australia, the Office for Design and Architecture SA, the Australian Institute of Urban Studies and Guildhouse. It provides a platform from which to inspire ongoing discussion, debate and activities that explore and share what makes a great place.
During October, Place SA is celebrating Place month with some special events, including the Festival of Architecture and Design (FAD) and Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art.
Festival of Architecture and Design (FAD)
The theme of this year’s Festival of Architecture and Design (FAD) is Life on the Edge, which includes a program of tours, exhibitions, performances, film, and talks by 2015 AIA Gold Medal winner Peter Stutchbury and Droga Architect in Residence, Nick Wood.
Open House Adelaide has been incorporated into this year’s program, and features guided tours to private and public spaces, from architecturally designed houses to Our Port’s Hart’s Mill.
Kids can get involved in the festival too, with AILA’s pop up play event that makes connections between play and nature and Archi-kids’ A Tale of Two Cities, which encourages kids to create homes with clay and wool.
TARNANTHI: the Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
The inaugural Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art, appropriately named Tarnanthi (pronounced ‘tar-nan-dee’ and meaning to come forth or appear) signifies new beginnings. It aims to showcase significant new works by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, while confronting preconceived ideas about the nature of Australian Indigenous art. Including a program of exhibitions, workshops, talks, tours and family activities, plus an art fair, there is plenty of opportunity to participate in Tarnanthi.