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Old industrial brick buildings overlook new playground and court spaces with children having fun, enjoying the equipment and open space.

The revitalisation of ​Hart’s Mill Surrounds has received another major accolade this year, taking out the Planning ​Institute of Australia’s Australia Award for Urban Design in the Small Scale category.

Judges commended the redevelopment of Hart’s Mill Surrounds, saying ‘this creative re-use of (an) industrial site that celebrates heritage, is respectful of its industrial setting and incorporates a diversity of uses’.

They acknowledged the ‘innovative approach to open space design is a catalyst for future development, creating the framework for future development as well as redefining perceptions and experience of the area.’

The win follows a string of other for the project:

  • Australian Institute of Architects’ (AIA) 2015 SA Architecture Awards, David Saunders Award for Heritage
  • AIA 2015 SA Architecture Awards, Urban Design category
  • Australian Institute of Landscape Architecture’s (AILA) 2015 SA Landscape Architecture Award of Excellence, Design category
  • A 2015 Good Design Award, Architectural Design: Urban Design and Public Spaces category​
  • Parks and Leisure Australia (SA/NT), 2015 Award of Excellence, Major Playspace (+0.5mil) category
  • 2014 Kidsafe National Playspace Design Award, High Commended award.

Such recognition places Hart’s Mill in prime position for further success at the AIA’s 2015 Natio​nal Architecture Awards, with a nomination in the Urban Design category. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on 5 November 2015.

Congratulations to ASPECT Studios, Mulloway Studio and everyone who has contributed to the revitalisation of Hart’s Mill.​

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