Delivery of a cutting-edge wetland reserve at the western gateway of Tonsley Innovation District is one step closer, with Adelaide-based engineering construction specialist Camco chosen as the successful contractor to bring the project to life.
The $4 million Alawoona Streetscape and Wetland Reserve Project - a jointly funded initiative between Renewal SA, the City of Marion and Green Adelaide - will see two low amenity reserves on the corner of Alawoona Avenue and Bradley Grove revitalised into a highly sustainable public asset offering increased liveability and connectivity for nearby residents and visitors alike.
Enhancements include a rain garden, which will treat stormwater captured across Tonsley Innovation District and irrigated garden beds, extensive tree and shrub planting, new park furniture, public art, and a variety of open lawns for recreation and smaller spaces for resting or relaxing.
The project will also deliver new cycling and pedestrian pathways connecting to broader pedestrian networks and destinations such as the Flinders Greenway, Tonsley Railway Station, Mitchell Park Sports and Community Hub and residential areas. Works will also include the creation of off-street parking to support use of the reserve. Further parking spaces will be developed close to the train station to assist commuters.
The concept plan for the reserves was developed by the City of Marion and Renewal SA following comprehensive community consultation as part of its broader Tonsley Precinct Master Plan.
Renewal SA Executive Director, Property and Major Projects, Todd Perry said the collaborative endeavour by Renewal SA and the City of Marion delivered on both party’s joint commitment to create vibrant and sustainable communities.
“One of the development conditions at Tonsley is to create a wetlands that can improve the water quality of the stormwater captured across the District,” Mr Perry said.
“By working in partnership with Council, we have not only been able to deliver on these sustainability outcomes but expand the project to encompass the reserve on the southern side of Alawoona Avenue too.
“This will become a real statement entrance to the west of District, whilst delivering high levels of public green space and blending the project boundary with the existing neighbourhood, creating a greater overall sense of community.”
City of Marion Mayor Kris Hanna said the environmental and social outcomes delivered through the upgrade would have a lasting impact.
“This project will brighten up the area and deliver good environmental outcomes” Mayor of Marion Kris Hanna said.
“We will extend the upgrade by planting several fig trees along Alawoona Avenue, improving the roundabout area and adding new pedestrian and cyclist pathways connecting to the Tonsley Innovation District.”
This initiative has received $200,000 in funding from Green Adelaide as part of the 'Cooler Greener Wilder' grants program.
The works are scheduled to begin in February and run through to August.
Visit www.makingmarion.com.au/alawoona-avenue-reserve to view the concept plan for the reserves.