With staff located at information displays across the precinct, we engaged with more than 2000 people, who not only had a chance to see the plaza concept designs and ask questions, but were able to get a glimpse of the future of this site by enjoying the temporary chill-out zone with games, musical performances and roving entertainers.
The response to the concept designs was positive overall, especially with regard to the increase in shade and leafy alcoves, grass and seating that will create comfortable places to meet and relax. People were excited by the planned new event spaces and water features of the new plaza, and were pleased by the proposed changes to grading and improved pedestrian access.
Understandably there were concerns about the impact to plaza artworks, which are recognisable features of the current public realm. We understand the importance and significance of these artworks to many South Australians and this space. The government through Arts South Australia will continue the formal process of working with the artists and their families to ensure the removal and/or reinstatement of each piece is handled diligently and with respect to the artist. This work will also link closely with the development of a Public Art and Cultural Strategy that will identify key ideas for how we incorporate arts and cultural activity to creating a great place that we are all proud of and can enjoy.
Community members who feel strongly about the plans for the Festival Plaza development were encouraged to make a formal submission to the Development Assessment Commission (DAC). With statutory consultation open until Thursday 4 February 2016, there are still five business days in which to provide feedback.