In March 2013 the Government of South Australia announced its intentions to upgrade the Adelaide Festival Plaza as part of the overall redevelopment of the Riverbank Precinct.
The proposed plans will improve connections within and between the precinct and the rest of the city while also creating a meeting space where people want to stop and spend time, either passively by sitting, relaxing, eating lunch and studying or actively, by attending events and functions, playing and dining.
In the interests of keeping the community informed about the upgrade, five public display pods will be installed in the Riverbank Precinct at these key redevelopment sites:
#1 The promenade
#2 The new square
#3 Station Road
#4 Art Space Plaza (referred to in the plans as Dunstan Plaza)
#5 Station entry
An Information Day is also being held 24 January 2016 on the Riverbank, where Renewal SA and Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure staff will be on hand to answer questions about the plaza redevelopment. With the Tour Down Under Family Day also being held on this day, there will be plenty of activities and entertainment for all ages.
An opportunity to provide further feedback
Feedback was gathered during community forums in September 2015 to inform the development application that Renewal SA, HASSELL and ARM Architecture’s have now lodged with the Development Assessment Commission (DAC).
As part of the application process, South Australians have the opportunity to view the redevelopment plans and provide feedback on the changes proposed for the Adelaide Festival Plaza. These plans are available to download from the DAC website, where feedback can also be submitted. Written feedback must be submitted to DAC by 4 February 2016.