The invitation, which opened today, is to jointly plan and then redevelop the prime seven hectare site in the City of Adelaide. It is considered the only development opportunity of its type in Australia.
The opportunity
We are looking for developers and consortia of national or international standing with proven experience in delivering large scale projects and an innovative vision for the site.
The unique site in Adelaide’s central business district presents a once in a generation opportunity to create an internationally acclaimed mixed use precinct that is expected to generate in excess of half a billion dollars of investment in South Australia. The developer or consortia that takes on this project will need to be creative and innovative while also having the financial strength to take on responsibility for such a major development.
It is essential that the plans provide a significant number of opportunities for people to live and work on the site. Proposals will also need to deliver economic benefits to the state, create a significant number of jobs, support Adelaide’s East End and CBD and connect with the Riverbank’s Health and Biomedical Precinct – bringing new life to the city.
The invitation
There will be a three stage process to identify suitable proponent/s, with expressions of interest closing on 1 September, followed by requests for proposals and negotiations in late 2015.