Renewal SA today called for community groups to apply for grants from the seventh round of the Playford Alive Initiatives Fund.
Local sporting, recreational, social and cultural organisations that operate within the Playford Alive urban renewal project area (Smithfield Plains, Davoren Park, Munno Para, Andrews Farm) can apply for grants from the $25,000 on offer for this round.
“I want to encourage community groups and not-for-profit organisations to apply for grants to develop community projects and activities,” Michael Buchan said.
“The Playford Alive Initiatives Fund supports groups that have a strong commitment to the northern suburbs to turn their ideas into reality.
“Since the fund was established in 2009 more than $670,000 has been provided to benefit the Playford Alive community.”
A further $1.25m has been committed to the upgrade of the John McVeity Centre in Smithfield Plains and $2.25m to the construction of the new Stretton Centre in Munno Para.
The fund is an initiative of Renewal SA and Housing SA and is supported by the City of Playford.
City of Playford Mayor, Glenn Docherty, who is also Chair of the Playford Alive Initiatives Fund Board, welcomed the seventh round.
“The Board is expecting another lot of quality applications for a variety of projects that will benefit the Playford Alive project area,” Mayor Docherty said.
“We have already been able to help a diverse range of projects such as Playford City Soccer Club, the Peachey Belt Residents Association, Imagine Peachey and Lutheran Community Care.”
The closing date for submissions is 5.00pm Wednesday, 13 August 2014. To be considered, applicants must provide some form of matching funding towards submitted projects. This can include in-kind support such as volunteer contributions, a financial contribution or professional services that have been secured.
Applicants are particularly encouraged to submit initiatives, projects, events or activities that:
- Demonstrate a strong partnership approach
- Support and strengthen community groups
- Support and encourage volunteers
- Encourage participation in community life
- Encourage and support arts and cultural development
- Encourage and promote healthy lifestyles– in particular projects that increase leisure, recreational and sporting opportunities
- Encourage partnerships that build a safe community
- Encourage and support learning opportunities that meet local community needs
- Promote a positive image of the Playford Alive project
- Support the creation of local employment opportunities
The Playford Alive Initiatives Fund receives one per cent of the sales of land sold in the Playford Alive project area. This year’s funding reflects the fact that significant funds have been allocated to major community projects – the Stretton Centre and upgrade of John McVeity Centre.
Application packs can be obtained from Chris Pietruszka, Executive Officer, Playford Alive Initiatives Fund, Playford Operations Centre, 12 Bishopstone Road, Davoren Park, SA 5113; Tel: 8256 0456; Email: [email protected].
About Playford Alive
In February 2006 the state government announced a $1 billion rejuvenation of Adelaide’s outer northern suburbs. The Playford Alive urban renewal project involves the regeneration of the Peachey Belt (Davoren Park and Smithfield Plains) and the development of broadacre land in Munno Para and Andrews Farm currently under the control of Renewal SA.
Renewal SA is the lead agency for the delivery of the project, in collaboration with the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion, the City of Playford and the community.
Playford Alive is delivering an integrated approach to rejuvenate the existing and new communities through the renovation of existing government owned housing, development of new homes, additional new schools, health facilities and shopping centres, recreational areas, access to training and employment opportunities and improved accessibility to public transport.
The Playford Alive urban renewal is expected to run for 15 years with the development of more than 9,000 new homes and population growth from 13,000 to more than 40,000 people.